Victoria Probate Costs

Victorian Probate Costs
Effective November 18th 2024

On November 18th 2024 the Court filing fee charges associated with obtaining a grant of probate or letters of administration in Victoria are changing.  The details below explain the costs and the process involved in obtaining a grant of probate or letters of administration In Victoria. 

There are 3 costs associated with obtaining a grant of probate or letters of administration in Victoria.

1) The first cost is the advertising cost of running the Notice of Intention stating that you'll be applying for a grant of probate in relation to the will of the deceased. 

2) The second cost is the Court filing fee, which is payable to the Court at the time we lodge the application.

3) The third cost is the fee you pay the company or individual who prepares the paperwork that is submitted to the Court.  If you have Making Probate Easy prepare your probate application, our total fee is
$900 regardless of the value of the estate. We also guarantee that your application will be approved by the Court.

Cost 1: The Notice of Intention advertisement

As of 18th November 2024 the Court charge in Victoria for publishing a Notice of Intention has increased to $35.90.  The notice must run for 14 days on the Supreme Court of Victoria website, the Victorian Probate Online Advertising System (POAS). The Notice of Intention contains some standard wording and is designed to state on the public record that an application for a grant of Probate will be made.  It includes the name of the deceased and the name(s) of the executor(s) named in the will.  An example of what a Notice of Intention for Victoria looks like is below;

Take notice that Jane SMITH, the executor named in the will dated 1 January 20xx of John Smith, deceased, late of 1 Example Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisement apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of Probate of the will.

Stephen McLennan for Making Probate Easy 35b Thomas Mitchell Crescent Sunshine Bay NSW 2536

We will prepare the Notice and place the booking for it to run on your behalf.

Cost 2: The Supreme Court Filing Fee

This is the administration charge imposed by the Supreme Court of Victoria in order to lodge an application for probate or letters of administration.  The filing fee in Victoria is based on the total value of the deceased's assets.  The more assets the deceased has, the higher the fee the Court charges.  The changes mean that for some lower value estates the filing fee will marginally decrease, but the court charges for higher value estates will increase quite dramatically.  The new fees apply to all new probate or letters of administration applications lodged from Monday November 18th 2024.

The new Victorian filing fees are outlined below.

Total value of Assets                    Court filing fee

$0 - $249,999.99                                $0

$250,000 - $499,999.99                  $514.40                     
$500,000 - $999,999.99                  $1028.80           

$1,000,000 - $1,999,999.99           $2400.50                  

$2,000,000 - $2,999,999.99          $4801.00                   
$3,000,000 - $4,999,999.99          $7185.20                   
$5,000,000 - $6,999,999.99          $12,002.60               
$7,000,000+                                       $16,803.60                                                         

Cost 3: The Fee charged by the company who prepares your Probate application

Solicitors and Law Firms will generally charge you anywhere between $3,000 and $15,000 to prepare the paperwork for your application.  The majority of them also base their fees on the value of the assets held by the deceased.  Our fee for obtaining your grant of probate or letters of administration is $900, regardless of the value of the estate. 

If you get in touch with us we'll be happy to help. 

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