Right now you might be trying to find out what's involved with Probate, do I need to make an application
for Probate in relation to the passing of a loved one, and what's involved if I do? Don't feel daunted. Probate is something people generally don't know a lot about unless you've actually had the experience of being the executor named in a will and gone through the Probate process. We’ve prepared Probate applications for people just like you across every state and territory in Australia. Even if you just have questions about your situation, if you email or phone us we're happy to help.
Probate means the official proving of a will. In order for the executor of a will to be able to distribute assets like property, shares and money according to the wishes of the deceased, a grant of Probate needs to be obtained from the Supreme Court in the state the assets are held. That involves collating some paperwork, including the will and death certificate, providing some details regarding the assets of the deceased, having the documents signed and witnessed, and lodging them with the Supreme Court. The Court will then send you the official Grant of Probate, which can then be shown to financial institutions and other places where assets are held, in order to distribute those assets, or transfer the ownership of assets, as per the wishes of the deceased.
For the vast majority of Probate applications there is no need to use a solicitor. If there is a valid will, or if there is no will you are the spouse, child or sibling of the deceased, and in case where there is a will nothing in the will is likely to be contested, obtaining a grant of Probate is really just an administrative task that involves preparing and submitting the relevant paperwork.
All we do is Probate. We’re not solicitors or a law firm. We're Probate experts. We understand every document that needs to be submitted. Whereas solicitors and law firms and offices of the Public Trustee and Guardian will charge you anywhere between $2,000 and $15,000 for handling your probate application, our total fee is $900. And we guarantee your application will be approved by the Court. At a time when you've got a lot to deal with - and so many financial things to take care of - anything that can be made easier is a real bonus. That's what we do with Probate.
We'll prepare every document thoroughly and professionally, but also quickly. So you'll receive your Grant of Probate quickly.
We'll do all the work. All we'll need from you will be the answers to a few simple questions regarding assets held by the deceased.
We're not a corporation or a law firm. We're just Probate experts. All we do is Probate and Letters of Administration.
Our total fee is $900. By not paying unnecessary legal charges you'll save a significant amount of money.
Making Probate Easy
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